PCI Compliance

Painless PCI DSS Compliance

Did you get notified about the v4.0 update?

Falling out of compliance with PCI DSS is a big risk with serious consequences. Monthly fines, fees from banks and payment processors, loss of ability to accept credit cards, liability for fraudulent charges — even loss of business leading to your business closing.

That’s why JurisLock uses only PCI Qualified Security Assessors (QSA’s) who are certified to conduct assessments against v4.0 of the PCI Data Security Standard.

Take advantage of our expertise to become PCI DSS 4.0 compliant!

PCI DSS Compliance Services

JurisLock follows a comprehensive approach to assess and maintain your PCI DSS compliance and certification. Our highly qualified team with years of experience in this area will take all the necessary steps to ensure your PCI DSS compliance, including:

Review of cardholder data storage locations and formats

Review of access controls

Preparation of Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) as needed

Assisting towards PCI compliance through the Prioritized Approach Tool

Review of existing agreements, documentation and operating policies and procedures

Developing policies and procedures for payment cards as needed

Payment card process improvement

Security awareness training with specific emphasis on data privacy and managing cardholder data

Developer training on secure programming techniques

Assisting with remediation

Network vulnerability scans

Providing validation of PCI compliance by a certified QSA