Extended Detection & Response

Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

For Those About to SOC

Reduce the time to detect and respond to threats in your environment.

Despite your organization’s best efforts, threats can break through your security defenses. And when they do, you need to stop them fast, before they can cause damage.

A security information event management (SIEM) tool is foundational to the visibility and context that fuel effective threat detection and response. A SIEM collects and consolidates security data from devices across your modern distributed environment and normalizes it so that it can be analyzed and monitored for threats.

Managing a SIEM in-house requires staffing, yet an industry talent shortage is underscored by the constantly evolving threats to your business. Misconfiguration is common and can result in the SIEM generating excessive false alerts, which mask real threats. Not to mention, a SIEM alone can’t tell you how to respond to an alert.

With JurisLock Managed SIEM, you get all the advantages of a SIEM without the complexity.

A SIEM can help you detect and respond to threats in your environment before they can cause damage to your business or patients. JurisLock Managed SIEM offers flexible service levels that can take over wherever your internal team’s bandwidth or skills leave off. Whether you have your own instance of FortiSIEM or use ours, JurisLock skilled analysts and engineers work with your team to configure and tune FortiSIEM to your security criteria so that it accurately identifies, prioritizes, and alerts on suspicious activity and indicators of compromise.

Our SOC team is well trained to investigate and act on positive alerts. We will work with you to develop custom response playbooks, and train your team on the use of our outSOC portal which provides real-time insights and reporting, so that together, we have an alert-handling playbook that matches your business needs. While a SIEM leverages automation, threat intelligence, and machine learning to analyze security data activity and generate alerts, it can only take that analysis so far.

Guided by your custom playbook, JurisLock experts act on threats and either remediate them directly or provide you with actionable advice.

Cyber threats increasingly exploit gaps in a law firm’s security posture created by isolated data pools of security products and the challenges associated with querybased analysis. Query-based analysis requires large amounts of data to be online or restored from backups to search.

JurisLock has a unique method of storing reduplicated behavior attributes associated with each event on a per entity basis. This allows for a historical contextual view over an unlimited time without massive storage requirements. We call it Persistent Behavior Tracing (PBT).

Find Threats Others Miss, Fill Gaps In Your Security Posture

PBT utilizes a unique hash sum, calculated at processing time, from fields describing each behavior. PBT identifies behaviors via a variety of detection methods determined by the analytics that generate that behavior and each occurrence of a behavior is then tracked using a set of fields specific to that behavior. The result is a system that tracks attack vectors in real time, saves relations indefinitely, and identifies associations based on the threat behavior.

The sophistication of cyber threats continues to evolve. So why do so many cybersecurity tools rely on rule and signature based analytics? These tools are good at stopping what they are programmed to identify, but unfortunately, leave gaps that threat actors find and exploit.

The nLighten XDR platform reviews security data based on more than 250 behaviors. Its machine learning detection recognizes anomalies and finds what others miss to help stay ahead of attackers. We call it Adaptive Analytic Detection (AAD).

Reduce Noisy Alerts 97% More Effectively Than Typical SIEM

nLighten’s machine learning and AI-based behavioral analytic detections analyze massive log and alert volumes to detect behaviors that elude rules and signatures. As a result, AAD recognizes patterns and threats, providing a handful of curated cases instead of thousands of alerts. This gives you an extraordinarily high noise-to-signal ratio, eliminating alert fatigue and improving your security posture with a more accurate, focused approach.

JurisLock's Cyber Advisor Service consists of a dedicated security professional providing a strategic overlay to your service offerings in effort to enrich your service and advise you on the current state of your cyber program.

As part of this service, your assigned Cyber Advisor will work to understand your unique risk and compliance profile, network environment and business processes. That knowledge combined with
their industry security expertise will be key in helping you assess your current services, interpret reporting metrics, identify potential gaps in your program and provide overall cyber guidance.

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